March 25, 2013: Sake's alive, I'm 45. Yes, it's time for my annual birthday post.
Throughout the year I've kept track of which song I will choose to be the official song of my birthday. Something that 'speaks' to me and touches on what has been an introspective year. As the years go by, I will eventually have a soundtrack of my life. This year's choice is 'Weighty Ghost' by Wintersleep (2007).
Like most songs out there, the song meaning is up to interpretation. It could be about the singer's pet cat for all I know, but the following interpretations make sense to me:
1) He wakes up. He thinks. He realizes that his whole life has been a blur, and he's lost sight of who he is, where he is, and what he wants. He hardly recognizes himself, and he thinks, "How did I get here? Who am I really?" Somewhere deep inside, he's still alive, so he doesn't want the probing hands of others trying to patch him up like he's broken.
2) An awakening. When we are young, we see bright futures... we see beer commercial lives or sitcom lives for ourselves. Potential, and possibilities to infinity and beyond. Life is just about to begin and it's gonna be so AWESOME!
But the future doesn't always work out like we planned, sometimes we have to go through things that kind of suck and it takes a toll on us. We hit the bottom. It hurts. And then we climb back up.
Time passes
And then we wake up one morning and look in the mirror. And we think of those dreams that are gone. And we think of all the struggles and how far we've come. Part of us hurts and part of us is numb. But we are the sum of both parts, and for the first time, we see this.
My interpretation: Shit! I'm 45! Better dust off some of those goals. Enjoy the video.
Weighty Ghost by Wintersleep
Many of you are probably wondering, what can I get this guy for his birthday? Just help spread the word about Past Expiry cartoon! Send some of the ones you like to your friends (or enemies) using the various share buttons, or even write www.PastExpiry.com on your forehead and leave it there for a few days. If you are a single, attractive lady, you'll be pleased to know that I am very much single (and introspective).
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