24 September, 2007

[CARTOON] Lettuce with E. Coli dressing...

Is it just me or are there more food recalls these days? In Ontario (Canada) they recently recalled Dole brand bagged lettuce (the kind that is pre-washed and cut up). Well, somehow they got E. Coli contamination. The lettuce in question was called,"Heart's Delight".... maybe they should of called it "Diarrhea Delight".
Special notice: My "iCig" cartoon is currently showcased on Jane Chin's blog. Check out her medical blog at http://www.nakedmedicine.com/ She even expanded on my cartoon and showed how Apple selling cigarettes would actually be a good thing.
My blog http://pastexpiry.blogspot.com/ has undergone some redesign. There's still some work to do, but check it out and feel free to send feedback. If you enjoy Past Expiry cartoons, feel free to check out the voting section of my blog (near the bottom) and cast your vote. I cannot achieve my goal of world domination without your help!


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