03 September, 2023

17th anniversary

17th anniversary of pastexpiry.blogspot.com!

17 years ago today, I started this blog. It has gone through various phases, starting off as a way to post my own cartoons to the 'World Wide Weeb", to occasional blurbs about my life, and now primarly to showcase my designs on Redbubble.com
Here's some random blog statistics I found...
Top Blogging Statistics The estimated global number of blogs is over 600 million. 32.7 million is the projected number of bloggers in the US. 43% of the web is built on WordPress. 77% of people regularly read blogs online. Successful bloggers spend 4 hours on average to write a post. Around 7 million blog posts are published per day. 67% of bloggers who post daily say that they are successful. Blog articles with 3000+ words get better results. 97% of bloggers use social media to boost their results 61% of online users in the US have bought something after reading a blog
61%! Hmmmm..... wanna buy a shirt??

Mr. Moneypouch is available on Amazon!


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