18 April, 2020

[POLITICAL][DESIGN] Justin Trudeau 1.0

People who are not fans of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, like to come up with butchered versions of his name.  Justdim Trudeau and Justin TrueDope, to name a few.  My design is a combination of these.  Enjoy the mockery. A marijuana leaf symbolizing his legalization of weed, and a buttplug which was inspired by the Urban Dictionary definition which states:

An insult used to chastise someone who's behavior is annoying you and/or others. The insult infers that the person inflicting the annoyance on you and/or others is becoming as irritating as an unpleasant and unwanted experience of anal penetration.

Kinda ironic his best friend is Gerald BUTTS

Available on shirts, stickers, mugs, pillows and even whimsical socks!

Available at https://bit.ly/headempty

13 April, 2020

[POLITICAL][DESIGN] Coward of the Cottage

Inspired by a trending hash-tag on Twitter which was named #cowardofthecottage

The hash-tag was a response to the apparent cowardice of the Canadian Prime Minister self-quarantining himself in his cottage well past the recommended 14 day self quarantine, despite never having been tested for COVID-19.  After 30+ days he finally showed up in parliament.  During those 30 days, his deputy PM and several cabinet ministers (mostly women) met regularly with reporters at press conferences. Other politicians, like the premiere of Ontario, hand-delivered masks to medical facilities.

The icing on the cake was and address by the PM to Canadians to keep self isolating and not to travel to be with family during Easter weekend.  He then promptly traveled to his OTHER cottage to be with HIS family.

Some would say he was demonstrating self-isolation to Canadians, but I disagree. All across the country we have people making not much above minimum wage in various crucial business sectors like grocery stores.   What makes the PM think he is so special?

I'll probably lose some subscribers and views on this blog, but you know what?  I no longer care.

Known for his whimsical socks, perhaps Trudeau himself will be pleased to know that this design is available on socks (and skirts).

Available here on 68 different products!