28 February, 2020

[DESIGN] Inspired by IKEA cat tube

My sister bought her cat this play 'tube' from IKEA.  Unlike their furniture, there was no Swedish sounding name for this tube, so I came up with the name Katt-en-toobin.  Naturally this lead to a T-shirt design, but also available on a pillow,  clock, and even a skirt.

PS: The cat's name is Willow.

Product Link!

Ikea Cat Tube shirt

20 February, 2020

12 February, 2020

[TECH] The Future of Transporation (watch this before you buy your next car)

Very well done and intriguing presentation on the future of transportation. I knew about some of these changes that were coming, but according to this presenter they will come much, much faster than people believe. My only question is what will happen with the millions of people that will lose their jobs.

A cartoon of mine from a long while back:

02 February, 2020

[MUSIC] Big Bang - Haru Haru (Day by Day)

Filed under things I like:

Big Bang (Korean group)  ✅
Music video that tells a story ✅
Story with a plot twist ✅
Actress Kim Min-Young ✅

Released: August 8, 2008

The higher definition video (no subtitles)

Color-Coded video featuring both English and Hangul (Korean) lyrics

Additional information about the song